Simoom's Galactic Dress Code is a comprehensive NPC appearance overhaul containing exhaustive changes to the character macro architecture.
Extract the mod folder to the 'extensions' folder in the X Rebirth root directory (default C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X Rebirth\extensions).My understanding is that if you uninstall the mod and the game can't find the components a macro is pointing to, it simply uses the macro's default, so that's likely what will happen if you uninstall this mod. but it does make extensive changes to NPC macro component values, and these do go into the NPC attributes which are stored in the save game. Back up your save game before trying this mod. Humanity's terrible fashion sense has provoked the ire of an ancient deity, who thus decrees.
just so happens my other modding project gave me the know-how. I've been customizing NPC appearance by splicing codes into my save game since XR 1.x, so this has been on my to-do list for a long time. This mod is neither based on nor related to Give us more Cloth please! Any similarity is incidental and no plagiarism is intended.